Cover for First Aid Divorced Parents - A guiding dictionary

First Aid Divorced Parents - A guiding dictionary


Marijke Umans


Jorinde Mahieu

An accessibly written dictionary about divorce for teenagers, complemented by real testimonials.

- Author and experience expert Marijke Umans guides children through the difficult period of their parents’ divorce and gives them their own voice: a language to talk, to express themselves or to reflect with.
- With imagery by Jorinde Mahieu that gives the stories a light and positive touch

Did your parents recently get divorced? Or are you living in a newly composed family? That can cause a lot of new or complex situations and feelings. This book tries to sooth the pains of divorce, proves that you are not alone and hands you tools to tell your own story. Alphabetically arranged words form a dictionary that gives you the language to think and talk about your experiences. This book provides courage, decisiveness, reading pleasure and navigational tools to deal with the situation resiliently.

Themes: divorce, blended family

Age: 10+


De Eenhoorn
BOOKETLIST agency by Sarah Claeys